The Lens of Arwin – Land, Sea & Sky
Arwin Levinson: Landscape Photographer @arwin.l
Arwin Levinson is a Las Vegas-based landscape photographer known to capture some of the most compelling photography that depicts nature in its most raw and ethereal form. Levinson’s commitment to her photography career only took a serious turn several years ago, and since then, she’s devoted her time to capturing not only perfectly timed photos of our world but also the feeling of awe you get when you experience those moments of wonder in real-time. Arwin was born in Massachusetts and studied computer science at the University of Illinois before finding herself in Las Vegas. One day, on a road trip through the country to help her sister move to Los Angeles, Levinson found herself driving through the mountains in Colorado when she felt immediately inspired by the nature and the views of the mountains. She picked up her first camera not long after in Portland (a Pentax SLR) and found herself wandering around the landscapes trying to capture as much of the land surrounding the North West as she could. When she moved back to Illinois, she found herself in a city with very minimal landscape opportunities, but a work trip that took her all the way to India, where she got the chance to visit the Himalayas, would rekindle her passion for photography again.Arwin’s style is more realistic with certain aspects she adds that go beyond realism and add more depth to the photo, all to capture the viewers and transport them in. She uses techniques like exposure blending, focal-length, and time blending to reveal a photo that includes many layers that all work to enhance the image. She also loves to shoot astrophotography and has an interest in the universe and our placement among the stars. The stars are always vibrant and round, and when she can, she finds a way for sunbeams to be the source of light that pulls us in. Her technique is added in Photoshop, while Lightroom is used to organize all the photos she takes, which she admits she picks only a handful of them for her viewers to see.
Get To Know Arwin:
PERFECT DAY: Hiking in nature and
ending with a beautiful sunset.
Swiss Alps

"I don't always end up with what I envisioned but having that vision helps me put a plan with all the pieces in place to achieve a final result and, of course, persistence."
- How were you as a kid growing up - were you the creative type, the athlete, the kid with a lemonade stand, etc...
- How did the love for photography start for you?
- What do you shoot with and what’s your favorite lens? Why?
- What is your “secret sauce?”
- What’s one thing you wish you had known when you began your photography journey?
- Plus More
- How she chooses what to share on social media and her own portfolio.
- Her routine on how she creates.
- Resources she uses to become better at her craft.
- Why she does what she does.
- About her favorite shots and the story behind them.
- Plus More
I love sharing with others my vision of nature through photography.

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